
Eungkyu Lee (이응규)

office: 전자정보대학 516 호

email: eleest[at]

Eungkyu Lee is the Assistant Professor of Electronic Engineering and the Principal Investigator for the Energy and Photonics Engineering (EPE) Group. Eungkyu received his B.S. from Kyung Hee University in 2009 and his Ph.D. in engineering from Seoul National University in 2015. 

Serang Jung (정세랑) - M.S. Course

email: serang13[at] 

Serang Jung is a graduate student in the EPE group. Her area of study involves binary optimization for designing nanophotonics. She employs a machine learning approach, specifically Bayesian optimization. She is exploring the integration of machine learning techniques into the field of nanophotonics design to improve the optimization process.

Chaeyoung Park (박채영)

email: pco5094[at]

Chaeyoung Park is a 4th-year undergraduate student at KHU in the Department of Electronic Engineering. Chaeyoung's research interests are in optical fiber and photonic integrated circuits. Currently, her topic is on the optimization of a machine-learning method for designing the photonic structure at EPE. 

Sanghyo Hwang (황상효)

email: dsh629[at] 

Sanghyo Hwang is a 4th-year undergraduate student in the EPE group. His investigations are focused on fundamental of light-matter interactions in multi-layered structure or sub-wavelength scale object and their innovative applications. 

Jaeseong Lee (이재성)

email: yurokgo12[at] 

Jaeseong Lee is a 4th-year undergraduate student in the EPE group. His topic is material informatics for photonics. He leverages various machine-learning methods to select the best materials for a photonic structure.  

Jaehyeon Park (박재현)

email: toglawogus[at] 

Jaehyeon Park is a 4th-year undergraduate student in the EPE group. He studies the optimization algorithm for two-dimensional photonic structures with a machine learning scheme.

Hyukrae Jung (정혁래)


Jaehyeon Park is a 4th-year undergraduate student and has recently joined in the EPE group. 


Sang-woo Ahn (안상우)

email: sang-wooahn[at]